Download Blogs and Websites for Offline Reading

Offline Explorer, wget, WinHTTrack Copier and Teleport are popular software utilities (both free and commercial) that let you download web pages to your local hard drive...

De-geek Yourself Before It Gets Too Late

Nick Bradbury, a software developer extraordinaire (he wrote FeedDemon, HomeSite and TopStyle), very recently celebrated his 40th birthday [picture via FaceBook]. Nick has probably experienced tech life more than us. Today, he makes a very honest confession asking young geeks, bloggers, programmers and everyone else in the tech sector to de-geekify before it gets too late. When I was working on HomeSite over a decade...

Ashley Cecil - Blogging as a Hobby and Profession

Ask any A-List blogger in the world for some tips on blogging and the first thing they'll say is "Write on topics that you are passionate about, topics on which can continue writing for years without getting bored.." Meet Ashley Cecil - she is a talented painter at heart and as you would have guessed it, her blog - the Painting Activist - is all about her paintings. Unlike most creative artists who spend big dollars for showcasing their...

Copy-Paste Text but Strip the Formatting and HTML Tags

It's a common problem. What you get from the clipboard is not what you want.When you copy some text from a web page or a Word document to the clipboard and then paste that...

Get Desktop Alerts For New GMail or Google Apps Email

GMail Notifier for Google Apps is clone of the official GMail Notifier with one small difference -  it works with GMail as well as Google Apps for your Domain. When you new email messages, the notifier shows you the email subjects, senders email address and a short snippets, all without your having to open a web browser. The GMail Notifier for Google Apps is not from Google but the developer is officially recognized as a Google...

A Microsoft Service for Sharing Useful or Artistic Office Documents

Microsoft today unveiled a new social website for Microsoft Office users where they can upload Word Documents, PowerPoint Presentations or Excel Spreadsheets. Known as the Art of Office, this place is not another Scribd or eSnips - it's basically for people to share Office documents that may either be useful to others or have an element of art in them. Official description is slightly unclear - Art of Office is a place for people...

Increase Google Adsense Income with Simple Tweaks

As an experienced Adsense publisher, you know tons of Adsense Optimization tricks that will yeild maximum advertising revenue. To quickly recap, you know by heart that...

Share Your Favorite Webpages on Social Bookmarking Sites

If you frequently submit web pages to Google Bookmarks, Digg, StumbleUpon,, and other social bookmarking websites, you'll love the Shareaholic add-on available only for Firefox browser. Shareaholic make it extremely easy for you to share web pages on the popular social websites - just right click over any webpage and select your favorite bookmarking service from the Firefox contextual menu where you want to share...

Walt Mossberg - Yahoo! Mail Better Than Google GMail or Hotmail

Not sure if everyone here will agree but Walt Mossberg of WSJ says that the new Yahoo! Mail is better than Google email and the new Windows Live Hotmail. Walt favors Yahoo!...

An Environment Friendly Font Saves Ink and Paper

If you regularly web pages (or Office Documents), you know how much paper (and toner ink) goes waste in printing those irrelevant portions that look good when viewed inside...

Creative Cake Design for Geek Parties

This is the perfect wedding cake for geeks and nerds. The icing on the Geek Cake says: foreach (Person p in room)( p.Eat(cake))The photograph of the cake is courtesy Flick...

New Version of Jing for Windows and Mac

TechSmith today introduced an improved version of Jing both for Mac and the Windows platform. Jing [review] is a free software for capturing image screenshots as well as movies of software, also known as screencasts. Think of Jing as a mix of SnagIt and Camtasia Studio  but TechSmith is not charging anything at the moment. Here's a summary of new features introduced in Jing v1.2.6. Links shared via MSN Messenger should no longer...

Microsoft Attorneys Knock the Door of Windows AutoPatcher

Windows Autopatcher, that made life so simple for Windows XP users, is officially no more. A little Autopatcher background - Microsoft announced XP SP2 in August 2004 and have have released hundreds of security updates and hotfixes since then. If you install Windows XP on a new computer, you either have to download numerous updates from Windows Update website or you could install the latest version of AutoPatcher XP which includes...

Offer RSS Feeds for Blogger Search Labels Similar to WordPress Category Feeds

Anil Radhakrishna is looking for a method to burn separate blogger feeds using FeedBurner for each search label as described in the FeedBurner FAQ.For instance, the blog...

The Most Time Saving Firefox Features - Website Shortcuts

We share the two most useful and time saving features in Firefox that will help you access (and search) your favorite sites quickly using abbreviations. Abbreviate your...

Make Flowcharts, Home Office Layouts and Diagrams Online

Best4c is another web based Visio to help you create flowcharts, network diagrams, floor plans and other designs online.The application is complete web based but has...

Blogging Software Screenshots with SnagIt Gets Simple

Popular screen capture program SnagIt (review) can now also be used as a one-click blog editor. TechSmith today introduced free blogging outputs for SnagIt that makes it extremely easy to add screen captures to your blog posts. You capture any part of the desktop screen with SnagIt and publish that image to WordPress directly from SnagIt without having to save the screen capture to a separate local file. The new blogging accessories aren't...

Google Web Accelerator Software

Google Web Accelerator is free utility that promises to speed up web surfing on your computer. How?Google Accelerator decreases the loading time of web pages in your browser...

Parents Want Unusual, Unique Baby Names That Are Not Popular

Last week, I met an Indian couple who will soon be celebrating the first birthday of their baby. The only problem is that they don't know what to print on the birthday invitation card as they haven't decided a name for their baby yet.That's because they want a unique name for their baby - a name that is rare but also has some good meaning and origin. The couple has already spent hours on Google hoping to find that most...

A Computer Mouse for the Filthy Rich

Pat Says, a computer mice manufacturer based in Switzerland, are selling a USB plug-n-play mouse that costs a whooping $25k because it's all made of white gold and diamonds. Other than balance in your bank account, this world's most expensive computer mouse won't change your computing lifestyle. And as far as ergonomics and comfort is concerned, the (relatively) dirt-cheap Logitech MX revolution maybe far better than this diamond-studded...

The Ten Facebook Groups That Are Funny But Quite Popular

Following are some of the most interesting groups on Facebook that are very popular and their descriptions can make you smile:When I was your age, Pluto was a planet -...

Microsoft Hackers Now Have an Official Blog

"Hackers @ Microsoft" - that's the name of a new Microsoft blog officially launched on which also hosts thousands of other blogs written by Microsoft Employees. The pitch says - Microsoft employs some of the best hackers in the world and actively recruits them and develops them.  At his or her core, a true hacker is someone who is curious and wants to learn how systems work.  This can and of course at Microsoft...

Coffee Chart: What's Inside Your Favorite Coffee Drink

The next time you order some coffee at your favorite coffee shop, this coffee chart should come in very handy - it illustrates the small differences between the common espresso flavors.Espresso or Cappiccuno Coffee  This coffee selection diagram will help you with the complex pronunciation of coffee names as well as the ingredients inside. Credit Lokesh via IndiaUncut.Related: Coffee A...

Audio Podcast: Recap of The Week - August 25, 2007

GTalk Conference Chat for Connecting with Multiple GMail FriendsYou just have to invite your other Google Talk friends to this private Google conference room. And there's...

Carry PowerPoint Presentation Slides in your Video iPod

Looking for a workaround to transfer those PowerPoint presentations to the iPod so you may watch them while you are away from the office desk. Like the PPT to Video tool, the "PPT to iPod" software converts your MS PowerPoint Presentations to MP4 video files that you can either transfer to your iPod via iTunes or upload them to any video sharing website. If you have sounds embedded in your PowerPoint file, the PPT to iPod converter...

Asking Members to Click Google Adsense Ads on Facebook

This Facebook Developer has created a neat application for adding music to your Facebook profile. While few thousand Facebook members are using his application, the developer is probably unaware of the Google policies. Read what this Facebook application page has to say - "Like this app? Click an ad (once a day at most) and let's get a better server (less crashes)." And this line is just above the Google Ads block. From the rule-book...

Send Documents To Mobile Phones through SMS: Cloud Print

HP CloudPrint is a web service for sending documents via cellphones as SMS codes instead of the standard email route. You don't have to manually convert documents to PDF,...

Google Image Search Now Has Contextual Adsense Ads

Google now has contextual advertising embedded in Google Image Search results - each page has two horizontal sponsored link sections. See screen capture below. The other popular Google properties that are yet to be monetized include Google News and Google Blog Search. Related: Batch Download Pictures from Google Imag...

Check Your Text for Common Misspellings Online

Spelljax, as the name suggests, is an online tool that lets you check for spelling errors in English and some other popular languages. The tool check only the spelling mistakes, not the grammar of your text. You can either directly type the text in the web browser or copy-paste from another application that doesn't inbuilt spell checking capabilities like notepad or internet clipboards. The spell checker is available at

Stop Web pages from Auto-playing Music and Videos

Some websites, like MySpace, embed music (and sometimes video clips) in web pages that auto-play as soon as you open the site in your web browser - there's no confirmation.Music...

Switch Your Laptop Between Home and Office Network Easily

We recently shared a network connections profile manager called NetSetMan for people who frequently travel with their laptops. Each time they get to a new location, they...

Which Version of Adobe Flash Player Is Running On My Machine

If you are not sure whether Adobe Flash Player is installed in your web browser and if installed, what version of the Flash Player are your running - here's a simple trick. Visit this page on If you have the Adobe Flash Player plugin, the page will display the exact version of the Flash Player. If Flash is missing on your machine, you won't see the line the says "Adobe Flash Player is Installed." Make sure you perform this...

Unresolved Questions on Message Board - Can You Please Help?

These are some questions on the message board that are awaiting solutions. Can you please assist here? You can either add your replies to the message board or just leave a comment here. Thanks. Cannot Run Windows Software on MacBookLouise Normandin bought a MacBook with BootCamp and VMware-Fusion but he's not able to run any Windows software except Firefox. Show Sales Data for Cities on a Google MapPavanaji is looking for a simple...

May the iPod Rest in Peace

Amber spots an iPod in a cemetery. The epitaph says "Fatal Error Occurred". Notice that the iPod is still connected to it's lifeline - the Belkin charging doc...

Why is Google Against Paid Text Links (Hint: Adsense)

It was a very interesting day at the Search Engine Strategies Conference in San Jose. Google Government represented by Matt Cutts on one side and the search community...

Watch iPod Videos Privately on a Large Virtual TV Screen

    Is the 2.5" LCD screen of your iPod too small for enjoying videos? How about a big TV screen for the iPod that you can carry inside your pocket and connect to the iPod anytime. We are talking an affordable iPod accessory called Video Goggles - you wear them like any other Shades but they are not meant for protecting your from sunlight - they connect directly to your iPod and let you watch movies and video podcasts...

What To Do When Google Mistakenly Identifies Your Website as Harmful

A webmaster recently wrote an email saying that Google has incorrectly flagged his client's "harmless" website as dangerous for distributing or hosting malware. Though the site still appears in Google organic search results, a prominent warning message saying "This Site May Harm Your Computer" is displayed near the title of the web page. The website in question has been marked as spam independently by Google though the StopBadWare...

Pigeons Can Collapse Bridges, Cows Can Cause Global Warming

Some off-beat but interesting stories from the world of cows and pigeons: » Pigeons are being partly blamed for the collapse of Minneapolis Bridge this month. Pigeon droppings contain ammonia and acids - if the dung isn't washed away, it dries out and turns into a concentrated salt. When water gets in and combines with the salt and ammonia, the reactions cause the steel to rust faster and hence become weak. [Discover News]...

Online Software Tutorials, Office Templates, Shock Photos from HP

The HP corporate website has an unexplored Small & Medium Business section that's loaded with Office goodies, stock photographs, online software classes and some very informative How-To guides - they are all available without charge. You can download readymade Business Templates for PowerPoint Presentations, Brochures, Business Cards, Newsletters, Letterheads and more - they all work with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and...