...Your ass better CALL SOMEBODY!!!Can't wait for @the_moviebob to make his triumphant return to @ScrewAttack with The Game OverThinker this Sunday!— ScrewAttack Crew (@ScrewAttack)...
Disney's DESCENDANTS First Trailer is... Peppy? Let's Go With Peppy.
I'm getting to the point where I'm exactly old enough that a necessary (and welcome!) distance from "youth culture" on the whole and regular interactions with the teen-and-under...
This Is Your New DC Cinematic Universe JOKER

There may come a day when there's no more need for (by now) tired, cheap-shot references to how effortlessly satisfying the Marvel movies have been versus the endless cycle of self-inflicted stumbles Warner Bros. DC Cinematic Universe has undergone.A day when we can actually look forward to the JUSTICE LEAGUE-adjacent features with "I hope it's good" anticipation and not "I wonder what *type* of trainwreck" anticipation.A day when it's...
TV Recap: AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D - Season 2 Episode 18: "THE FRENEMY OF MY ENEMY"
For a change, "Frenemy" provides an opportunity to properly/honestly appraise an AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D episode up front without dropping spoilers (since Season 2's entire...
FANTASTIC FOUR Official Trailer looks... I dunno
Fairly or not (spoiler: it's not), it's becoming increasingly clear that the ongoing Marvel Studios success story is basically ruining the prospects of many fans (myself...
Darkness. No Parents.
Wanted to put this up yesterday, but I'm having an... interesting few weeks, scheduling and lifewise. Ah well. Anyway, here's the trailer Warner Bros. wanted people to trek...
Seen this up a lot today. Apparently a lot of people are pretty into it, hu...
TV Recap: AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D - Season 2 Episode 17: "MELINDA"
NOTE: If you enjoy this recap and would like to continue seeing more like it, please consider pitching in to The MovieBob PatreonHaving now introduced somewhere just under...
Pitch Me, Mr.B: "MEGA MAN"
This poll decided which hypothetical movie adaptations of... things I'd take a swing at pitching as movie treatments. Just a creative-writing exercise to keep things sharp....
Full ANT-MAN Trailer
"Even our movies that we totally fuck up midway through production and have to scramble to put together in under a year look better than everyone else's movies!" - MARVEL.**(not...
Really That Good: DIE HARD
NOTE: FOX has made multiple Copyright claims on this video, which I believe to be invalid and have disputed. The video is available for viewing while my dispute is reviewed,...
Pitch Me, Mr. B - RESULTS!

A week ago, I asked fans to vote on a list of four licensed nostalgia properties I'd been working up hypothetical movie pitches for as a writing exercise. The votes have been tallied, and the lineup (read: order you'll be getting these in by popular demand) looks like this:1. MEGA MAN2. CAPTAIN PLANET3. X-MEN (hypothetical Marvel Cinematic Universe-compliant reboot)4. CARE BEARS.Look for MEGA MAN this week. Thanks to everyone who...
TV Recap: AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D - Season 2 Episode 16: "AFTERLIFE"
NOTE: Enjoy this recap? Want to read more like it? Please consider The MovieBob Patreon.Season 2 of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D has now reached the point where episodes seem to...
Really That Good: GHOSTBUSTERS (Now With Text!)
The debut episode of REALLY THAT GOOD was a resounding success, and I'm hard at work on the next one (next two, technically.) But that doesn't mean I want fans and followers...