NOTE: This review is brought to you in part by The MovieBob Patreon. If you like it and would like to see more, please consider becoming a Patron.Despite the fact that...
Here's Some Crazy Guessing About CIVIL WAR, HULK and RAGNAROK
NOTE: This piece brought to you in part by The MovieBob Patreon. If you liked it and want to see more, please consider becoming a Patron today :)Hey! Haven't...
"Chocolate with SPRINKLES!!!"
All the world is gasoline, and Eli Roth is the guy who just can't stop flicking his cigarettes...So it's FUNNY GAMES if FUNNY GAMES wasn't pretentious self-fellating bullshit...
NOTE: This piece and others like it brought to you in part by The MovieBob Patreon. Want to see more? Please consider becoming a patron.Really, guys?Okay, you're in charge....
This review is able to exist in part through the generosity of patrons to The MovieBob Patreo...
REVIEW: Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
For the first time in a long time, I feel like I’ve been derelict in my duties as a Generation X film geek. Oh sure, me and my kind have done a fine job making sure that...
TV Recap: AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D - Season 2 Episode 21-22: "S.O.S."
NOTE: This recap brought to you in part by The MovieBob Patreon.Guys... I've got feelings. So many feelings.AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D apparently did well enough in its second...
Who's The Real Speed-Bump on FURY ROAD?
Note: This piece and others like it are brought to you thanks in large part to The MovieBob Patreon.The reviews are starting to hit for MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (I'm seeing it...
IN BOB WE TRUST - "Widow's Peak"
Hm... something about this seems new, yet familiar... Like the new show? Support more projects like this at The MovieBob Patreo...