Because YOU demanded it!P.S. "The MovieBob Patreon" - maybe you've heard of i...
Michael Bay's BENGHAZI Movie. Yes, For Real.
This piece made possible in part by The MovieBob PatreonFor my international readers: American politics is still currently consumed by conspiracy theories surrounding...
Because you demanded it, here (after the jump) a text version of my now-famous PIXELS review. And hey, while you're here, maybe consider visiting The MovieBob Patreon?I…...
Pitch Me, Mr. B: MARVEL'S X-MEN
This piece made possible in part by The MovieBob Patreon. Please consider becoming a Patron.In case you missed the earlier installments of this: Here's what's up, here's...
Time To Light The Lights.
This is the "pilot pitch" for the upcoming ABC prime-time revival of THE MUPPET SHOW. It represents probably the best use anyone has made of these characters since at least...
Did I Just See What I Think I Saw in ANT-MAN? (UPDATED!)

So. Just saw ANT-MAN for a second time, just because. Hold's up - this one really works. Not GUARDIANS-level transcendent, but really good.Anyway! Long story short: By now you've heard that there's quite a bit of Universe-building business sprinkled throughout this one - multiple cameos, two post-credits beats and a no-name name-drop. But on my second viewing, I'm reasonably certain I caught a glimpse of something that's either...
Suicide Is Painless
If there's ONE reason to be excited about comic-book continuity being a "movie thing" now, outside of just "because it can be," it's that the medium is rife with great material...
RIP Saturo Iwata - 1959-2015

Tragic news. Saturo Iwata, the colorful CEO and "public face" of Nintendo since 2002, has died of an ongoing health issue at the age of 55.Described as a "genius programmer" in his youth, Iwata begna his gaming career working at Nintendo-affiliate HAL Laboratories on classics like EARTHBOUND, the KIRBY series and BALLOON FIGHT. His elevation to CEO at Nintendo - the first man not descended from the company's founding-family to ever hold...
I Want To Believe
Just because I'm anticipating being called a spoilsport or overly-negative because reasons, I feel like briefly mentioning that THIS feels like genuine gods-honest...
BATMAN V SUPERMAN Comic-Con Trailer Now Online
This piece supported in part thanks to The MovieBob Patreon. Please consider becoming a Patron today.2:28 - Oh, snap! So that's what happened to Batman's parents!...
Is GOOSEBUMPS Still A Thing? This Movie Hopes So.
In case you forgot they were making this, here's the trailer for the GOOSEBUMPS movie - which for whatever reason seems to be not making any kind of big deal that Jack...
Japan Accepts U.S. Challenge In Giant Robot Combat. No, Really.
This is for real: Japanese robotics engineers Suidobashi built a fuctioning, weaponized, human-piloted mecha called The Kuratas. An American firm, Megabots, built one...
This series brought to you in part by contributors to The MovieBob Patreon It's one of the biggest blockbusters of all time and a cross-generational classic for action fans,...
Steef Chowbes
Yeah, I'll say it - this could be the best film of the year, and whether or not I'll be able to engage is going to be contingent on the degree I can ignore Fassbender's...