NOTE: As ever, articles like this are brought to you in part by The MovieBob Patreon.At this point, there are probably three types of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D fans (with significant...
Really That Good UPDATE
Hey gang.So, update on the status of the next REALLY THAT GOOD episode. Short version: It's coming, and soon. Obviously, I did not want to let the series go this long with...
JESSICA JONES is Sooper-Serious Business, Yo
I liked DAREDEVIL a lot, but I never really got onboard that it represented some kind of next-level evolution for the Marvel Universe brand.Too much of the story felt stretched-thin...
TV RECAP: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 3 - Episode 4: "The Devils You Know"
Now we're getting back on track.After nothing much special happening last week, AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D rebounds this week with an episode where not much happens for the most...
"JOY" Still Doesn't Want You To Know What "JOY" Is About
I dunno. At this point I feel like JOY (installment number three of a film-series where we're not supposed to notice that the director of SPANKING THE MONKEY keeps...
Venture Capital
Yes, the STAR WARS trailer is lovely. But this is the preview I've been waiting for. Has it really taken 13 years to get to 6 Seasons of THE VENTURE BROS? It has. That would...
TV RECAP: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 3 - Episode 3: "A Wanted (Inhu)man"
AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D's greatest strength is its ability to pivot on a dime into an entirely different tone or story-thrust than it had been in before, but that's also its...
Should've Led With This
As I said in this BMD piece, I was "onboard" with ABC's new MUPPETS show from the start, but even still I think it was probably a mistake for them to have not led with...
Schlocktober Returns
Realized I managed to NOT post last week's IN BOB WE TRUST, which featured the revival of SCHLOCKTOBER. My bad. Here it is below, along with the new one from this week:LAST...
The Coen Bros back in 1940s Hollywood mode?George Clooney as a hack leading-man blithering through a costume epic?Scarlett Johansson as an Esther Williams analog?To paraphrase...
TV RECAP: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 3 - Episode 2: "The Purpose in The Machine"
First things first: "Purpose in The Machine" introduces Agent May's father. As he turns out to be (played by) the legendary James Hong - one of our all-time greatest character...
Note: Video review is in-production alongside several other projects, but I know people have gotten tired of waiting so for now here is a text version - as ever, content...
Lost Age
Colin Hanks, following in his dad's footsteps as a friendly chronicler of history/pop-Americana: This is gonna kick my ass, I can already tell.I was a video-store guy, so...