Deadpool Review


Hangman 2016


Tom Clancys the Division Agent Origins 2016


A Stand Up Guys 2016


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Let’s get one thing straight here, folks: DEADPOOL should not be the lead character of anything. He’s gonzo comic-relief, a bit player with a VERY specific bit to play,...

Pride + Prejudice + Zombies

PRIDE & PREJUDICE & ZOMBIES is the latest attempt to answer the question of whether or not you can stretch one joke into an entire movie, though this time the joke...

Agent Carter: Season 2 - Episodes 3 & 4

Well. Needless to say my plans to get back on track for weekly updates didn't go exactly as planned, though I'm sort of glad of that. Episode 3 ("Better Angels") felt a...

Green Room Trailer

Punk band trapped in a backwoods club with an army of white-supremacists looking to kill them for witnessing a murder. Finally coming out after a big impact on the festival...

TV RECAP: Agent Carter - Season 2: Episodes 1 & 2

With apologies for the week's delay - as you may have heard, I've picked up some work recently. Before anyone asks: Yes, I've also seen Episode 3 - it'll get it's writeup...

ANNOUNCEMENT: Big New Plans & What They Could Mean To YOU!

Well, hopefully that title was suitably attention getting.Anyway! Remember that time I wrote a book? Well, the experience actually worked out pretty good for me overall....


If Trey Parker, Matt Stone and South Parkhave always better than almost anyone in the business at exactly one thing, it’s preventative self-defense: Few other creators are...

What's Going On?

UPDATE: The first of the "new projects" listed below can now be revealed - I have officially become part of the ScreenRant News Team!You'll find my news items handily catalogued...


The only thing anyone seems to want to know about 13 HOURS is whether or not it’s “political.” To me, that’s a stupid question – everything is political to one degree or...

2015 Oscars - Whatever

So we're doing this again? Okay.This is a frustrating year for the Oscars, which is to say more frustrating than previous years where you're at least garaunteed the spectacle...



RIP David Bowie: 1947-2016

No words. This one hurts. This one really hurt...

Much Needed

If you're like me, about 2 years ago you considered THE VENTURE BROS one of the Top 10 TV series ever to air. And if you're like me, you imagine you'd probably still feel...

Review: THE HATEFUL EIGHT (2015)

NOTE: This review made possible in part by donations to The MovieBob Patreon. If you want to see more like it, please consider becoming a Patron.Being a fan...